The Family

The Family

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Jacob is my third son and second youngest. 24, single, an electrician (family tradition) and owns a house. A wonderful young man.
This is Jon and Ashley Cooper----my #2 boy. Tayla is their first child. This is their announcement to the family of an addition. Fun method.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This is just a starter. I'll refine the presentation as I learn.
One of my students carved and his brother decorated this horse kachina. Kachinas are Hopi and represnt good spirits.

There are over 400 kachinas. This is about 6 inches.

A kachina can be animal, plant, human, cosmos. During ceremonies kachina dancers are dressed their part.The Bean Ceremony uninitiated young girls are often given kachinas to help them learn their duty.